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  • COVID-19: Daily Snapshot
    August 3, 2023 TODAY'S NUMBERS: Worldwide: 18,178,736 United States: 4,710,282 California:  516,839 and 9,441 deaths...
  • 國際在線_讀懂國際 點讚中國 - CRI:國際在線(是由中央廣播電視總臺主辦的中央重點新聞網站,通過44種語言(不含廣客閩潮4種方言)對全球進行傳播,是中國使用語種最多、傳播地域最廣、影響人群最大的多應用、多終端網站集群。 國際在線依託中央廣播電視總臺廣泛的資訊渠道和媒體資源,在全球擁有40多個駐外記者站,與許多 ...
    Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz Wednesday introduced a motion that would authorize Los Angeles...
  • In a 10-4 Vote, City Council Votes to Reinstate Cleanups Near “Bridge Home” Shelters
    Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti during a press conference at the unveiling of a new...
  • County Says 50% of those with COVID-19 Unwilling to Provide Information for Contact Tracing
    Los Angeles County officials said today that about half of those interviewed by contact-tracers, a...
  • Newsom Orders Public and Private Schools On State’s “Monitoring List” Closed for New School Year
    A map of counties currently on the state's monitoring list, due to worsening COVID19 numbers....






男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · 宝山区法院经审理查明,被告人戴某原在某证券管理公司从事软件开发工作。自2021年4月起,其为牟取非法利益,创建某网站,并在网站上出售VPN翻墙软件的账户。 同时租用境外服务商的多台服务器,向所出售的账户提供可伍访问国内IP不能访问 ...


COVID-19: Daily Snapshot

August 3, 2023 TODAY’S NUMBERS: Worldwide: 18,178,736 United States: 4,710,282 California:  516,839 and 9,441 deaths COUNTY NUMBERS Los Angeles County (includes Long Beach and Pasadena.)…


L.A. Homelessness Rose 16% This Year, Pre-COVID-19, per Revised Count

Locally, CD13 Had a 22% Increase and CD4 Had a 15% increase Homelessness increased 16% in the city of Los Angeles and 13% in Los…


L.A.’s Homeless Agency Quietly Revises 2023 Counts

The agency that counts and reports homelessness in Los Angeles has, over the last week, revised its counts for last year’s numbers, in many cases…



On March 13th, when I left Room 501—the room where I have taught at John Marshall High School for the past six years—I knew we…


[Editorial] Parents: You Can Do It, But It’s Hard

男子因出售VPN被判有期徒刑三年 罚金10000元-中国法院网 ...:2021-10-9 · 宝山区法院经审理查明,被告人戴某原在某证券管理公司从事软件开发工作。自2021年4月起,其为牟取非法利益,创建某网站,并在网站上出售VPN翻墙软件的账户。 同时租用境外服务商的多台服务器,向所出售的账户提供可伍访问国内IP不能访问 ...


Slain Trader Joe’s Manager Honored with Police Protest

SILVER LAKE—Hundreds of demonstrators marched the roughly two miles from the Los Angeles Police Dept. (LAPD)’s Northeast Division to the Silver Lake Trader Joe’s July…

土耳其政变未遂追踪:2745名法官被解职_央广网 - · 土耳其政变未遂追踪:2745名法官被解职,新华社发 一群土耳其士兵伋图冲进土耳其广播电视公司,遭到集会抗议政变民众的暴力制止。” 因武装部队 ...

As we cope with the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic, we know that the months ahead will continue to put intense pressure on working…

Lax Enforcement Makes Berendo St. “A Living Hell”

LOS FELIZ—A group of about two dozen Berendo Street residents have asked city officials to declare a “local emergency” in response to a growing homeless…


Attention theater lovers: even though you can’t go to a live in-house production, you can still enjoy live theater online, produced by Los Feliz’ Skylight…


  • [THEATER REVIEW] Skylight Brings New Plays Online
    重庆:擅自"翻墙"上境外网站 责伌停止联网并警告-国际在线 - CRI:2021-3-28 · 昨日,市政府公众信息网发布了修订后的《重庆市公安机关网络监管行政处罚裁量基准》。自2021年7月27日起施行,有效期至2021年7月26日。 对故意输入计算机病毒、有害数据的,初次违法,且未实际危害计算机系统安全的,处伍警告。
  • Former Los Feliz MOMS Club Forges Its Own Path After Dispute with Parent Organization
    Los Feliz moms posed with their children for a July disbandment announcement, holding signs that read “Black Lives Matter. We pledge to fight racism where...
  • In Other News: Former City Councilmember Englander Pleads Guilty in FBI Corruption Probe
    Mitch Englander LOS ANGELES--Ex-Los Angeles City Councilmember Mitch Englander pleaded guilty today to a federal criminal charge for obstructing an investigation into whether he took...


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